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Lace up your hiking shoes and get ready for a unique adventure! BiblioTrek, trekking and stories, authentic stories of Liguria told while walking ancient trails.
Treks that start and end inside a library, what we call the House of Stories.

"Storie di Camogli" library trekking

On May 26th, join the BiblioTrek "Stories from Sori- Trekking anf focaccette" and immerse yourself in the authentic stories of Liguria told by Franco Picetti, Anna Morchio and Giuliano Battaglia, guided on ancient roads by hiking guide Giuliano Battaglia. 

Limited spots.

Minimum partecipants number: 15

Reserve your spot by scanning the QR code below

and have a memorable experience.


QRCode per Storie di Sori - trekking e focaccette.png
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